It is very simple, just open up the mouse, desolder the LED, replace it by a LED of your choice (blue in my case), put it back together, and thats it!
I also slightly bent the spring in the scroll wheel so it scrolls much smoothly and quietly.

LED Specs (for the curious):
Emitted Colour : OCEAN BLUE
Size: 5mm
Forward Voltage : 3.2 V ~ 3.8 V
Luminous Intensity: 6000 mcd
Max Continuous Forward Current : 30mA
Looks good! I wonder why mouse manufactures have stuck with boring red?
By the way, good choice on LED! ;)
Thanks for the comment and the link. And you're right, the LEDs are good ;)
I'd imagine manufacturers don't use blue because they are usually a bit more expensive, and when you make thousands of the things, pennies add up pretty quickly.
Any idea if there's any particular colors you should avoid using?
Mr Evil,
Any light color should work as long as it is bright enough (I suppose).
I hope this helps.
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